Massage is a great way to release physical tension, a massage using the appropriate essential oils releases physical stress calm the mind and emotions. Bathing with calming essential oils will also release stress. Frankincense promotes calm and relaxation, thyme is good for fatigue and exhaustion, lavender, rosemary, marjoram and roman chamomile are all good for tense […]
Did you know that a regular massage can help reduce blood pressure, boost the immune system, eases and reduces pain and tension, soothe and relaxes the mind and body, improves muscle and skin tone, promotes better sleep and improves concentration. Why not give it a try and see how much […]
We all know there is no miracle cure for cellulite, but with the right diet, exercise, massage techniques and essential oils we can improve its appearance. This treatment will start with an initial 20 minute consultation to discuss your eating and exercise habits. The massage will then last 1 hour […]
This treatment is exactly what it says! It incorporates thorough massage of your legs, back, arms, shoulders, neck abdomen and face! (Abdomen and face massage optional) This is a lovely massage to help relax the whole body and like all our treatments will be tailored to suit you perfectly. All […]