Did you know a hot stone massage is good for: Deep relaxation The heat from the stones can reach up to 3-4cm into the muscle Stress is reduced Circulation is improved, muscles have an increased blood supply which improves function Toxins and waste are eliminated more quickly The warmth can help […]
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Do you suffer from eczema? Did you know aromatherapy can help you? An aromatherapy massage can help relieve stress and tension which can sometimes bring on eczema. Taking regular baths with Roman or German chamomile, geranium, melissa or lavender mixed in evening primrose oil can help relieve the soreness and […]
Did you know a good treatment for migraines can be making a cold compress of lavender and peppermint an lying in a dark room? This can help in dramatically reducing reducing recovery times. You could also try blending 3 drops marjoram mixed with 5mls of carrier oil and massaging it into […]
Did you know sweet almond oil is rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins? It is especially suited to dry sensitive and irritated skin. It is softening revitalizing and nourishing for the skin.